USEF/USDF Dressage Seat Medal Program

The USEF/USDF Dressage Seat Medal (DSM) Program, for riders ages 18 and under, celebrates excellence in equitation and strives to develop a solid foundation for future success in the dressage arena.

The DSM Program is made up of three types of classes:

  • Dressage Seat Equitation classes are offered at USEF-licensed/USDF-recognized dressage competitions. If you compete in an eligible Dressage Seat Equitation class and earn a qualifying score of 70% or above, you may qualify to compete in the USDF DSM Semi-Finals.
    • Walk/trot and restricted equitation classes are not eligible.
  • The USDF Dressage Seat Medal Semi-Finals are held at each of the nine Great American Insurance Group/USDF Regional Dressage Championships. There are two age divisions in the USDF DSM Semi-Finals: 13 and under, and 14–18. The top two placed riders at the USDF DSM Semi-Finals are invited to compete in the USEF DSM Finals. If one of the top two riders in any Semi-Finals class does not wish to compete in the Finals, the third-place rider in the respective class will be allowed to compete.
    There are two ways to qualify for the DSM Semi-Finals:
    1. By earning a qualifying score of 70% or above in any eligible Dressage Seat Equitation class (except walk/trot and restricted classes) held at a USEF-licensed/USDF-recognized dressage competition during the qualifying period of January 1 through the end of the qualifying period of the respective regional championship competition the athlete will be attending.
      Semi-Final Qualified Rider List 
    2. By qualifying for the Great American Insurance Group/USDF Regional Championships.
      Regional Championship Qualified Rider List 

  • The USEF Dressage Seat Medal Finals are held in conjunction with the US National Dressage Championships or other designated competition. Riders will compete in the USEF DSM Finals in the same age division in which they rode at the Semi-Finals.
    The top two placed riders at each of the USDF DSM Semi-Finals are automatically invited to compete in the USEF DSM Finals. If one of the top two riders in any Semi-Finals class does not wish to compete in the Finals, the third-place rider in the respective class will be invited to compete.

Want to see what Dressage Seat Equitation is all about? Check out the video footage from the 2019 USEF Dressage Seat Medal Finals!

Dressage Seat Medal Finals Videos 

Please note, the above link takes you to the main Festival of Champions video. Scroll down for the specific Dressage Seat Equitation classes. The Dressage Seat Medal Finals class videos are titled:

  • USEF Dressage Seat Medal Finals 14-18
  • Dressage Medal Finals 13&U

Quick Links

Dressage Seat Medal General Information  Rider Resources  2025 Semi-Finals Dates and Locations  USEF Dressage Seat Medal Finals  Managers, Judges, and Competitors  Guidelines for Judging Dressage Seat Equitation Classes  Dressage Seat Medal Semi-Finals Individual Patterns  Score Sheet for DSE classes  Semi-Finals and Finals classes Score Sheet 


For questions regarding qualifying and/or the USDF Dressage Seat Medal Semi-Finals, please contact or call 859-971-7317.

For questions regarding the USEF Dressage Seat Medal Finals, please contact

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